The goal of this blog is to add my voice to the rising chorus of those concerned about the attacks by liberals/progressives on Christian values. In particular, the numerous attacks against the placement of crosses on public lands in honor of those who have fallen in service to our nation. For example, one on Mt. Soledad in San Diego and another recently erected at Camp Pendleton by the families and comrades of fallen Marines. A contemporary example is a cross erected in Bladensberg, Maryland decades ago to honor dozens of the fallen from World War I.
Some self-appointed liberal/progressive group, American Humanist Association, states they want the cross removed because it violates the Constitution. On their website is "Advocating progressive values and equality for humanists, atheists, and freethinkers" and "good without a god." In the face of criticism of dishonoring the fallen, a spokesman lamely states there should be a secular memorial, not a cross, because it is on public land. What's next? Removing the crosses from the markers, like the one of a close friend, at Arlington National Cemetery? Since when does the demand of a a minority, an ill-informed one at that, dictate to the majority? Since when does the demand of a liberal/progressive organization justify the denial of the exercise of my constitutional rights?
The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Those who put up the crosses mentioned above, and others, to express respect for and to honor the fallen men and women who served int he Armed Forces of the United States of America were freely exercising their rights of religious belief. They were and are not denying the rights of others to believe or not believe in another religion. For centuries, Christians have used the cross as a solemn marker to commemorate loss of life and belief. As such, where better to express such commemoration to the fallen members of our armed forces than on public land? These men and women, including my fellow Marines, who died in service to our country - made the ultimate sacrifice for the public...their fellow citizens. Just as the cross is engraved on markers at Arlington, so is the Star of David for the Jewish fallen soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines, and other symbols for other faiths.
It distresses me greatly that the aforementioned self-appointed liberals/progressives want to deny me and my fellow Christians the free exercise of our religious beliefs. When they claim it imposes our beliefs on others, they make a wholly spurious and unsupportable claim, particularly when attacking a memorial erected decades ago. Others are equally free to exercise their beliefs, either by erecting secular memorials in addition to the crosses, memorials bearing other religious symbols, or none at all. That is the real practice of freedom.
Ironically, it is the active duty and veteran populations who serve and have served to
protect the rights of these idiots to make such outlandish attacks.
Those who attack memorials erected to fallen members of our military are the same who demand that Christmas not be mentioned or celebrated. Again, these vocal minorities levy demands that restrict the practice of my religious freedoms. Unfortunately, the excessively liberal/progressive courts have sided all too often with those who attack Christians.
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