Monday, December 17, 2012


While sharing comments of disbelief and anguish, one of our friends stated that Sandy Hook Elementary School should be razed and a memorial including 20 angel figurines be erected on the site.

As I'm sure most of the country did, we talked about the Sandy Hook tragedy with close friends over the weekend.  He and she are both retired school teachers and I spent some years as a school counselor.  For those who have worked on school campuses, there is a connection of sorts with this incomprehensible horror.  Our friend very correctly stated that no student, teacher, or staff member could be expected to return to the site of this unspeakable atrocity.  Nor could parents of the survivors be expected to send their children to the facility in which so many died.

Challenging, yes.  Impossible, no.

Newtown, Connecticut, and the nation can come together and replace the physical manifestation of the school, at another location in the city.

A memorial on the current site of Sandy Hook will serve as a visible reminder, for generations to come, of the innocence of the children and the heroics of the adults on that day.

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