It would be understandable for many to feel depressed, as is an all too sad norm during this time of year, even in a good year. But this doesn't appear to be a good year.
- Sandy Hook Elementary School and a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado- nothing more need be stated.
- Political rancor, with an excessively liberal President re-elected. Excessive amounts of money thrown into the political campaigns. Hyperbole at every turn from so-called experts and pundits. A nation divided, not united (at least politically).
- The market tumbles.
- Hurricane Sandy.
- Unemployment.
- "Fiscal cliff."
- Affordable Care Act (ACA).
- Union thuggery.
- Conservative African Americans being accused of not be "black enough."
- Young woman "flipping the bird" to the graves of the fallen at Arlington National Cemetery.
- Continued deaths of our men and women in Afghanistan.
- 13,000 plus pages of new federal regulations, an 8.5% increase.
- Demise of Twinkies.
- Libya debacle.
- Federally subsidized companies failing.
I argue now it is vastly more important than normal to seek a Merry Christmas. The Christian faith, plus our customs and mores, see comfort and joy in the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is uplifting, invigorating, and unquestionably positive.
Partly just to aggravate the secularists, I have been wishing Merry Christmas to all those I encounter. The primary reason, though, is to convey that which is positive and uplifting. My fellow Americans need some uplifting, even the lemmings parading under the progressive banner.
So I will continue to wish all a Merry Christmas, not for commercial reasons, but in the faith that there are vastly more who believe in our God and seek the goodness that embodies our religious beliefs.
Merry Christmas. May it be spent in celebration with family and friends.
A special note to my fellow warriors in uniform, deployed around the world and at sea. While you miss Christmas at home, just as my generation of warriors did multiple times before you, please recognize we back here value and cherish your willing sacrifice in the name of protecting our freedoms.
Merry Christmas.
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