When writing about the truth, it brings to mind the refreshing honesty and truthfulness of children. Unfettered by some polite, societal expectations, they often speak their minds and truthfully observe what is happening around them. Sure, some of their comments made in public can be the sources of parental embarrassment, not for the lack of truthfulness, but for crossing a line established by polite, societal expectation. That notwithstanding, truth is truth.
Except for certain individuals.
Immediately coming to mind are various elected and government officials, media commentators, celebrities, university professors, union leaders, social activists, community organizers, lawyers, CEOs, mega-bankers, main stream media, self-appointed experts, and other self-absorbed individuals.
Acknowledging the slight stereotyping, nevertheless these groups are infamous for knowingly and deliberately uttering, writing, and otherwise communicating falsehoods. Further, when caught doing do, some of the most creative and astonishing claims are sent forth to spin the falsehood into some form of internally acceptable fiction. When called out for these fictions, there is a rush of diatribes aimed at those who identify the fictions.
Recently, elected and government officials have (again) vaulted into the headlines as a result of their false statements. And the fabric of spin, following being called out for the false statements, has been woven into incredulous fables by these people and their supporters with magic thread that stretches and strains even the most creative imagination. Further, all too sadly, there are the perpetually loud and vocal elements that levy preposterous claims based on specious claims (racism, harming the middle class, sexism, homophobia, war on women, social justice, diversity, equality, etc.) against any and all critics.
Nonetheless, false is false, no matter how much they do protest.
Just as truth is truth and false is false, so is the limit of middle America's patience. Those seeking to avoid the truth and utter falsehoods do so at their own peril. They act as if they believe we are either incompetent, ignorant, disinterested, or plain stupid. The reviews and analysis of elections are not the real story, anymore than the projections for the next elections. The real news story about the disgust brewing in middle America is neither that which is being addressed in the nightly news nor that being churned out by the cable and talk radio pundits. The reality of middle America's disgust is being discussed over the kitchen table in the evening, over coffee at the local bistro, across the fence in the neighborhood, at the motorcycle dealership, at the local veterans gathering, at the ball park, over the telephone, and at lunch.
The purveyors of falsehoods and those avoiding/denying the truth will soon be held accountable. The signs are all around for those who are willing to see them.
Truth will out, and falsehood and spin will fail.
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