Reading, watching, and listening to politicians, pundits, activists, academics, and the like, one would think there is a perpetual state of anger in the citizenry of our nation. Anger resulting from real or perceived or falsely created hostility, insults, and "threats" based on any number of factors and issues.
For crying out loud people, relax!
In a nation of some 300 million, not everyone will agree with everyone else. This IS NOT a bad thing. Take music for example, some like opera, some like country western, some like hip hop, some like classical, some like jazz. We have the freedom to choose and pursue that which gives us enjoyment. The freedoms we enjoy enable the differences between us to be equally pursued.
And a true, defining element of our freedoms is that we are free NOT to like any specific style of music, if we so choose. The same applies to speech, in that while we are free to express our views, even if others disagree with them, we are equally free to remain silent.
But there seem to be those intent on severely limiting our freedoms, by declaring they have been insulted, threatened, or subjected to hostility by the mere expression, by any means, of views with which they don't agree. Those so inclined to castigate others are determined to champion their freedom and views, but simultaneously seek to limit the same for those holding views with which they disagree.
For crying out loud people, relax!
Just because someone makes a statement with which I disagree, it isn't rational to rant and rave, threaten/take legal action, explode into histrionics, or demand the other individual immediately repudiate their views or beliefs. There is plenty of room for an enormously wide selection of views, just as there is for wide selection of music tastes.
A major area in which all Americans should be concerned is when government bureaucrats and legislators, as well as activists judges and those in public education, seek to restrict our freedoms or demand that we accept and embrace their views. This is simply wrong. They should relax and embrace our freedoms for all.
Relaxing does not mean I need to agree with someone holding views contrary to my own, just as they are not compelled to accept my stance. Relaxing means I am, as a citizen, willing to accept that others will hold views different from mine. So be it. My fellow citizens need to also relax and recognize my freedom to hold views in opposition to theirs. So be it.
Just don't try to force me into accepting your views and don't result to insults, false charges of threats, or the creation of hostility simply because someone disagrees with you.
Just relax.
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