Putting aside for the moment the venue (Arizona State University), format (self promotion headlined by a comedian), and audience (college students), this mention of a possible campaign should have responsible journalists and others sharpening their pencils to scribe questions to be put to her publicly. My sharpened pencil is ready and should she formally announce her candidacy to seek the nomination of the Democrat Party for the office of the President of the United States, I would like to put the following questions to her:
- Mrs. Clinton, what were your specific accomplishments, listed in order of major to minor importance, while Secretary of State?
- Mrs. Clinton, what were the specific pieces of legislation you crafted, sponsored, or co-sponsored, listed in order of major to minor importance, while a member of the Senate?
- Mrs. Clinton, this is a multiple part question related to your voting record in the Senate: How many votes were called during your time in the Senate? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote YEA? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote NAY? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote PRESENT? Of the called votes, how many times were you absent?
- Mrs. Clinton, what was the singularly most important vote you cast while a member of the Senate?
- Mrs. Clinton, what was the singularly least important vote you cast while a member of the Senate?
- Mrs. Clinton, while a member of the Senate, of the days the Senate was in session, how many of the days were you present and absent?
- Mrs. Clinton, how can you desire to be viewed as an advocate for women's rights and equality, when you remain in the marriage to a serial philanderer and adulterer?
- Mrs. Clinton, how can you expect the electorate to accept that you are truthful, when you falsely claimed during your 2008 campaign to have landed "under fire" during a visit to Bosnia? (Being "under fire" is not a matter of opinion nor something to be taken lightly, it is an incontrovertible fact, as can be attested to by our men and women who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and you dishonored by your frivolously false claim.)
- Mrs. Clinton, how can you stand for the importance of an individual's character, when you supported Anthony Weiner?
- Mrs. Clinton, regarding the loss of American life in Benghazi in 2012, which of your direct actions before, during, and shortly after the tragedy did make a difference?
- Mrs. Clinton, why did you refuse to appear on the Sunday news programs in the aftermath of the loss of American life in Benghazi in 2012?
- Mrs. Clinton, what is your specific view on the sanctity of marriage vows?
- Mrs. Clinton, what specific organizations and businesses were you directly responsible for and did your personally lead?
- Mrs. Clinton, what was the largest number of individuals you have personally directed and supervised at any one time?
- Mrs. Clinton, what was the largest budget you personally prepared and supervised?
- Mrs. Clinton, what were the greatest examples of bipartisan consensus for which you are directly and personally responsible?
- Mrs.Clinton, what are the meaning and requirements of the oath of office?
- Mrs. Clinton, what are meaningful and meaningless sexual relations?
- Mrs. Clinton, for what action or actions should a member of the White House staff be fired?
- Mrs. Clinton, for what action or actions should a member of Congress be involuntarily removed?
- Mrs. Clinton, since there is a two term limit for the office of President, why shouldn't there be a two term limit for the members of Congress?
- Mrs. Clinton, what are the five main tenants of your national security policy?
- Mrs. Clinton, what is the most important responsibility of the President of the United States?
I'll keep my pencil sharp, though seriously doubt hard questions would ever be put to Mrs. Clinton or any other liberal candidate.
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